Children's Bookshelf
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Writing Workbook Series
By: Deena Hart

Activity Books for Kids
By: Duff Waddell
Attention teachers!! If you don’t know about these workbooks already, you should definitely check them out. It’s a whole series from printing and handwriting to grammar and creative writing, and more... This comprehensive series is designed for grades 3 to 10 and covers the essential skills of handwriting and language arts. The author is a passionate teacher with over 30 years of teaching experience. She found that her students had a difficult time writing stories. Among other things, a limited vocabulary restricted them from confidently writing the stories they wanted to write. So with that in mind and with the goal to help as many children as possible, she created these materials. We’re using them in our classes and I’m super happy with them. These books are a great resource for writing and grammar and would be very handy for ESL teachers. If you’re a teacher, these books are a must have. Also, parents out there might want to consider having these around the house for home study materials. Great books to add to the collection!
Attention kindergarten teachers!! Check out Buzzing Bee Press, their books are great. I’ve been using these activities as a “station” in the mornings during free play and the children seem to really enjoy the mazes. I also incorporate the activities into our lessons, later on in the day. They’ve become my go-to worksheets in class, they’re great to have on hand. Also I must say, I’m fascinated to see how quickly the children became good at mazes. It didn’t take long for them to get the hang of it, I think it’s an excellent thing for developing brains to do regularly. Buzzing Bee Press make a range of similar style workbooks. Scissors skill books, letters, mazes and even some holiday themed books which is handy.