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Red is For Valentines!

By: Isaah Alford

From the perspective of a little girl, it follows her throughout the day as she goes shopping and prepares Valentines cards and gifts for her friends and family. After visiting with friends at school, she spends the rest of the evening surrounded by loved ones, enjoying time and family moments together. In the end, realizing that… “Love is the answer! Valentine’s Day is more than a card or a treat, it’s the love in your heart that makes life complete.” It’s one of those books that you read, and it leaves you with a big smile on your face. 🥰 I love the message that Valentine’s Day isn’t only about cards or treats, it’s about acknowledging and spending time with people that you love and care about. This is a great introduction to Valentine’s Day and a useful book for the classroom. Definitely worth adding this to your collection.

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Our Fluffy Valentine

By: Cindy Jennings

It’s Valentines Day and the children are visiting Drew’s Uncles Llama farm. They’re excited to see the Llamas and Drew’s uncle shows them a new baby Llama named Pip, who’s very shy. The kids worry about the poor little Llama and encourage him to go outside. It really takes a lot of encouragement but Pip agrees to go outside. The other Llamas come to say hello to Pip and welcome him. Then the children pick some flowers and make a Daisy necklace and give it Pip for Valentines Day. They explain that no one should feel lonely on Valentine’s Day 🥰 Pip feels so much better after that and runs off to play with the other Llamas. Drew’s uncle is surprised to see Pip outside playing. The kids explain that Pip was just a little shy. First thing that stood out to me were the amazing illustrations. They’re so cute and perfectly bring the story to life. Also I love that the children recognize that Pip is struggling with his anxiety and take the time to comfort Pip. Having compassion for others is such a wonderful thing to include in your book. Books like this really help to instill values and empathy in our little ones from an early age. Highly recommend checking this one out. I’m more than excited to include this book on my Children’s Bookshelf ❤️

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