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Where is Change?

By: Stacey Hill

I love this topic, it made for some super cute discussions during circle time. Two young girls ask their older brother Avery about change. Turns out, it’s a lot more than just coins in your pocket. Avery helps the girls realize that change is everywhere. It could be the weather outside, a new friend, teacher or family member. Change can be positive or negative, it can be obvious like growing taller or harder to see like people’s emotions. Its happing all around us and even inside us. The 3 children explore many ways we can see change and help the reader see that change is okay. It helps us grow and learn new things. It took me many years before I started to accept that change is simply a fact of life. That realization greatly changed my overall attitude in a lot of situations. It’s powerful and an important thing to recognize. It makes me happy to see books introducing this concept to children. Really an excellent book for the classroom and definitely worth adding to your collection. “Change is the only constant in life.” - Heraclitus


Don't Step On The Roly Polys!

By: Melantha Nephew-Simon

Here’s a great book that teaches important life lessons Follows a day in the life of a young boy named Christopher as he learns valuable life lessons through everyday experiences. Guided by his mother’s gentle wisdom, Christopher discovers the importance of common courtesy like cleaning up after your dog or safety habits like wearing your seatbelt or even things like empathy and respecting living creatures and the environment. Throughout the day, Christopher‘s mother recognizes and takes advantage of various teachable moments. Each scenario presented in a very natural and relatable way as they go about their day. In the end, Christopher returns home and excitedly recounts his day to his father. This is an excellent book for the classroom, there are a lot of talking points and important lessons in here. Definitely an effective teaching tool and really good to have on hand whether it’s at home or in the classroom.

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The End Is Just The Beginning

By: Mike Bender

What a great idea for a book 😁 I thoroughly enjoyed this one!! it’s all about how the end is actually just the beginning of something else. The end of a mistake is just the beginning of learning something new, the end of a disagreement is just the beginning of making up, the end of the day is just the beginning of night... in fact if you really think about it, the end is entirely endless and beginnings are too. Everything is moving along and the only constant is change. I love this concept and the point the author makes will certainly give children a different perspective on life and the world around them. It’s well written and features lovely illustrations. This book reminded me to just go with the flow because change is a big part of life 😁 and remember, this isn’t the end of the book review... it’s the beginning of the next one

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