Children's Bookshelf
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By: Nell Cross Beckerman
Amazing book about Volcanoes right here!! Read it with my third graders as part of a larger lesson about Volcanoes. I started by reading the whole book through, then we went through it slowly page by page. I prepared some interesting videos from YouTube to give a deeper understanding of each page and we talked through it after as a group. Pro tip: There are really some fantastic resources for teachers on YouTube! I love that the book is not only about volcanoes but all kinds of related phenomena, which allowed for a really interesting class. The information is excellent and the illustrations deserve mention as well. This is an absolute must have, the kids loved it. Such a great resource for teachers and parents. Here are the YouTube search terms I used to find the videos to accompany the book ⬇️ fault lines, different types of eruptions, lava or magma, scientists collecting volcanic samples, how the Hawaiian islands were formed, Tsunami footage, introduction to Pompeii, underwater volcanoes, famous volcanoes around the world, Olympus Mons.

Cotton-Top Tamarin's
Most Hairific Day
By: Terri Tatchell
This book is funny, beautifully illustrated and thought-provoking. It’s part of the ✨AMAZING✨ “Endangered & Misunderstood” series and features adorable “Cotton-Top Tamarins”. ⚠️ Purchasing this book supports the protection and conservation of the endangered cotton-top tamarin. 🌏🌱🐒 The book centers on a tamarin with absolutely fabulous hair! She decides to help everyone in the jungle look just like her. She starts styling the hair of random jungle animals only to find that they don’t really want to look like that. On her quest she gets a little too close to a snake and then a human… eventually leading to her capture. Once in a cage, she realizes how much she misses her friends and family, and likes them just the way they are. Eventually, the toucan helped her escape and together they flew back and reunited with the tamarin’s family. The rhyming text in this book is great, here’s a line that really stood out to me. “That she was not a toy for them, to pull and prod and train. She was a monkey from the wild that had a special brain” The book concludes with an informative section which is great for teachers (love the educational side of this book!). It’s filled with fascinating facts about cotton-top tamarins, sloths, and tapirs. Readers will also discover ways to make a positive impact on endangered animals, along with step-by-step drawing guides. This book is an excellent introduction to Tamarron‘s and a very useful book in the classroom. It served as an excellent conversation starter about conservation and endangered species, humans and our impact on the environment, etc. If you’re looking for supplementary classroom materials, I found some great videos about Cotton-Top Tamarins on YouTube. The illustrations are exceptional and this tamarin is super cute. It’s nice to see a lesser known animal like this featured in a book. There are two very clear messages in the story, one about conservation and another about celebrating our differences and respecting others… making it a powerful book in the hands of the right adult. I highly recommend picking up this series, it’s Awesome!

When The Sky Glows
By: Nell Cross Breckerman
This one jumped off the shelf at me 😃Beautifully illustrated and educational … One look at it and I was sold. It’s a nonfiction book about all the wonderful ways our beautiful sky glows. From sunsets to volcanoes to the aurora borealis. Readers will learn super interesting facts all while marveling at the gorgeous illustrations by David Litchfield. This book has a permanent spot on my Children’s Bookshelf. I highly recommend checking it out!

Air Exploring The Elements: Book One
By: Nell Cross Breckerman
After coming across this book my “teacher brain 🧠” immediately filled with great classroom ideas. I read this with my second graders and used this opportunity to expand on this book and go more in depth about air and it’s weird characteristics eg. Storms, pollution, it’s roll in our bodies and we even got into it’s effects on prehistoric life when oxygen levels were much higher. Long story short it was an excellent opener for my lesson and the kids really enjoyed it. The concept is simple, it introduces air to the reader and features some interesting ways in which the reader might recognize air around them. From wind brushing through your hair to singing to tornadoes 🌪 air is everywhere we go but something we often take for granted. I love that it explains how we can help to keep our air fresh and explains how Mother Nature is all connected. The illustrations are certainly worth mentioning as well. I absolutely love this artwork, it really compliments the book perfectly. Totally recommend this book and keep your eyes peeled for more books in this series!

Tarsier Sings His Song
By: Terri Tatchell
This book is funny, beautifully illustrated and thought-provoking. It’s part of the ✨AMAZING✨ “Endangered & Misunderstood” series and features adorable “Cotton-Top Tamarins”. ⚠️ Purchasing this book supports the protection and conservation of the endangered cotton-top tamarin. 🌏🌱🐒 The book centers on a tamarin with absolutely fabulous hair! She decides to help everyone in the jungle look just like her. She starts styling the hair of random jungle animals only to find that they don’t really want to look like that. On her quest she gets a little too close to a snake and then a human… eventually leading to her capture. Once in a cage, she realizes how much she misses her friends and family, and likes them just the way they are. Eventually, the toucan helped her escape and together they flew back and reunited with the tamarin’s family. The rhyming text in this book is great, here’s a line that really stood out to me. “That she was not a toy for them, to pull and prod and train. She was a monkey from the wild that had a special brain” The book concludes with an informative section which is great for teachers (love the educational side of this book!). It’s filled with fascinating facts about cotton-top tamarins, sloths, and tapirs. Readers will also discover ways to make a positive impact on endangered animals, along with step-by-step drawing guides. This book is an excellent introduction to Tamarron‘s and a very useful book in the classroom. It served as an excellent conversation starter about conservation and endangered species, humans and our impact on the environment, etc. If you’re looking for supplementary classroom materials, I found some great videos about Cotton-Top Tamarins on YouTube. The illustrations are exceptional and this tamarin is super cute. It’s nice to see a lesser known animal like this featured in a book. There are two very clear messages in the story, one about conservation and another about celebrating our differences and respecting others… making it a powerful book in the hands of the right adult. I highly recommend picking up this series, it’s Awesome!